Saturday, February 21, 2009

keep it simple stupid!

The pretentiousness in the violin world seems to worsen every day. Great gobs of attention are garnered on experimental, hip hop, avant garde, and other adventuresome forays into highly esoteric genres. While artists like myself who interpret simple, appealing music are casually dismissed.
Here, may I remind you; at auditions for orchestra seats, the most common requirement of violinists is to perform a Mozart concerto. Mozart, whose straight forward melodic passages spring from the very fountain of simplicity and balance are required, largely due to their difficulty! Clarity and restraint do not come easily.
So, while experimentalism has its place, it seems the respect lavished on this music is in excess. While artists creating music of straightforward expressive directness, lacking the glamour of high conceptualism, are pretty much ignored.
One more reminder: the public didn't even notice when Mozart fell ill and died. (Don't fret. I'm in excellent health.)

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